Have you ever fallen in love with a room on Pinterest and said to yourself “I can do that.” No? You haven’t? Well I can’t relate because that’s constantly my mentality.
Most recently in the bedroom I chose to wallpaper. Which I had done before so I expected some challenges. But let me tell you I was not expecting this one very large hurdle. Textured walls! “What the heck Em? How did I blindly ignore that part?” I was literally so mad at myself. But Pinterest to the rescue. I had two options: Buy smooth wall paneling or skim coat the area I needed which I knew was tedious. I went with the paneling. Here’s where the fiasco starts.
All Home Depot saws near me were “out of order.” Weird. So at Lowes the guy cut my panels different sizes. I was so confused at everything going on. Finally after shoving it into the car, I get it home and the panels seams just aren’t flush. So I had to skim the small section, wait a day for it to drop, only to hang the wallpaper up and you can still notice the seam underneath. That’s when I gave up and the wallpaper fiasco claimed its name to fame.